The Day of the Dead

This month is marked by festivities surrounding the Day of the Dead which is actually celebrated on November 2nd. People create "altars" dedicated to their loved ones who have passed. These altars include the deceased's favorite foods, drinks, and other items that they once enjoyed. It is believed by some that these offerings pacify lost ones when they come to "share a meal" once a year on November 2nd. This would keep the souls peaceful for the rest of the year. Interesting, isn't it? Vast parties are held in cemetaries as these traditions are carried out. Feelings about death vary greatly across the world. I am so glad that our hope lies in God and his plan for us once we pass from this earth!

We are excited to say that the first celebration in Ecatepec was a great success! Our congregation spent the weekend of October 27th and 28th with our family there. On Saturday, we handed out invitations to the Sunday celebration and also to an event that we had that evening. We entertained our guests with a singing group and a play for the kids who came. And of course, we ate all day long!! The family group there took great care of us. On Sunday we had various congregations in Mexico City come to celebrate with us. We were probably 100 people all together. It was a great time that encouraged us all.

This event marked the beginning of the new church plant in Ecatepec; and as we mentioned before, they are the first group to reach the 3rd generation of multiplication as it is planted from the Benito Juarez congregation. We are so proud of what God is doing in Ecatepec and in the lives of his people there. Please keep this endeavor in your prayers, and we will keep you informed as this new congregation progresses in its plans.
1 comment:
Amanda...Love that your blogging! Now Erik and I can see what you're up too. It's great to see how cute your babies are!
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